Silver Oak Wood
For the best Shuttering wood experience and form work solutions ,one should get in touch with Manoj Timber industry . We provide high quality Silver oak wooden Battens and Runners that are an integral part of the Construction Industry.
Silver wood Uses
- Silver Oak wood is used during the Construction of Beams, Slabs, Columns and Bridges.
- Silver wood is medium quality timber extensively used for Joinery, Shuttering and Furniture often a substitute for Oak.
- Silver wood runners are used in underlay for shuttering plywood and form the skeleton over which shuttering plywood is nailed for usage.
- Due to its strong, durable, weather and termite resistant properties, they can be used extensively and over long periods of time.
- Provide smooth surface to concrete work.
- It is economical in ratio to its number of uses.
- They require minimal maintenance and can be reused numerous times with proper care and storage.
Manufacturing facility –
- 1 set of vertical saw mill
- 1 set of horizontal saw mill
- In Chikmagalur Karnataka
- 2 set of vertical saw mill
- 2 set of horizontal saw mill
- In Bhilai Raipur Chhattisgarh